Product details
Mycelium powder fundamentally preserved the plant active ingredients and active, can be directly edible, easy to be absorbed by human body. Single tube filaments, as most fungi structure unit, some prokaryotes have hyphae, such as actinomyces. Many vegetation together of fungal hyphae, namely the mycelium. Hyphae by top growth and extension, by lateral branches. Sat on a substrate mainly absorbs the nutrition of hypha said nutrition, some species can also be divided into false root and haustoria structure; Stretch in the space of hyphae said aerial hyphae, mature can differentiate into various kinds of forms of spore production structure, such as actinomyces spore silk or fruiting bodies of fungi. Hyphae with asexual reproduction function, can be used to connect and expand.
A is no lie between hyphae, namely hyphae not cross next door, can be treated as a single cell, with multiple nuclei, such as lower fungi of rhizopus and sporanox, water mold hyphae.
2 it is to have every hyphae, namely the hyphae with many horizontal next door, dividing it into multiple cells, each cell in one, two or more nuclei. Such as higher fungi in penicillium and aspergillus hyphae, mushrooms, etc.